Monday, December 27, 2010

Kong Pao Chicken and Beef Kebab Dinner

Before my brief hiatus I mentioned that I wanted to show you guys some of the food I eat during my day. After all, food in China is one of the most diverse and unique cuisines of any country.

Here is a what I had for dinner tonight, Kong Pao Chicken and Beef kebabs. In Chinese the characters for Kong Pao chicken is 宫保鸡丁 pronounced "kung pao ji ding". For beef kebabs the Chinese character is 牛肉串, the 牛肉 is beef and 串 means literally stick and it actually looks like a stick or kebab. It is pronounced "niu rou chuan" or if your in Beijing "chuar". Most Beijingers have an “er" accent on many of their words and so if you say "chuan" no one will understand you but if you say "chuar" you will be perfectly understood. Here are the pictures.

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