Today, my friends and I made a fascinating
discovery. We had found out that we had been living
and going to school on top of a massive underground
bunker...filled with bikes!!! I don't have words to
describe how bizarrely cool this place is, I will let
the pictures I took show you. Also, we found out
that this isn't the only bunker, we have discovered at
least 10 so far, each filled with bikes!
Previously, in an earlier post I mentioned how Chinese want the world to see how much China has changed and thus build huge, beautiful buildings yet have awful water quality etc. Well, I wanted to mention another funny thing about Chinese mentalality. Today, I was buying some books with friends and we had picked out three that we liked. Two of them were pretty normal size books, and so they cost 15 RMB but the third book was a long one, and so the cart owner thought since it was bigger it should cost more and wanted to charge 25 RMB!
On another occasion, I was trying to buy a pair of Converse sneakers with friend and my friend got hers for 35 RMB but the stall owner wanted to sell me mine for 75! When I asked why so much for mine when my friends were 35 RMB she said it was because they were bigger and used more material!!! What!?!? If only I spoke enough Chinese to explain how bulk purchasing of raw materials and an assembly line work!
The lesson to learn here is that Chinese people think the bigger something is, the more it should cost.
Last, but certainly not of little importance and something my Dad will be happy to hear, is that last night, I found cartons of ice cream for sale in my Apartment convience store, first time I have seen that in China! So obviously I had to buy some. Sadly, it cost 28 RMB or about 10 RMB more then I had spent on lunch and dinner combined. Oh well, there is nothing better than a movie and ice cream in bed!
I second that!...Oh simple pleasures.